Family Engagement
We aim to always work in partnership with families. Accessing and engaging with the online learning journal see saw enable families to receive notifications, photos, videos, and updates regularly. Parents/Carers are also welcomed to discuss their child’s day with the child’s key worker and other staff members who work within the playroom. Throughout the year parents/carers are invited to attend parents’ evenings and curriculum information evenings. The Head of Centre, Depute Head of Centre and Child Development Team Leader will also be available to offer support, advice, and information at any time.
The Keyworker System
The keyworker is responsible for an allocated group of children. The keyworker and all staff aim to build positive relationships with both the children and families. The keyworker is responsible for providing age and stage appropriate learning experiences for each child in their key group as part of the curriculum. The keyworker also tracks, assesses, identifies next steps in their learning journey and celebrates children’s achievements. All staff within the playroom provide high quality care and a rich learning environment for all children.
Home and Establishment Links
We actively encourage parents and carers, children, staff, and other agencies to become involved in the life of our centre. We aim to keep you up to date with all aspects of our provision, through home to nursery links, newsletters, daily contact, telephone calls, notices, parents’ meetings, and Seesaw. The LPA (Lead Practitioner of Attainment) works closely with children and families through various programmes. We engage within the local community and part We have Fun Days twice a year and other fundraising initiatives. The nursery participates in raising money for selected charities. Sunshine Wishes is a charity that supports our children and families in a variety of ways. For further details on the charity please contact the nursery. There is an open-door policy, and our leadership team and staff are also very committed to supporting our children and families. We appreciate any comments and suggestions from parents and carers, and their contributions help us in our self-evaluation process, which in turn leads to improvements within our practice.
As a centre we provide and promote a nurturing environment. Staff have been trained in the Nurture Principles and this practice is embedded throughout the centre. For further information please see Applying Nurture as a Whole School Approach document.
We are currently working towards achieving accreditation as a Language and Communication Friendly establishment. This is applied as whole team approach and reflects our environment and practice.