Hamiltonhill Family Learning Centre
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Vision, Values and Aims

Hamiltonhill Family Learning Centre promotes positive partnerships between the home, nursery and the community, working together to meet the needs, and respect the rights, of all users. We ensure that all of the children are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.
The family lies at the heart of the centre’s vision, and relationships emphasise mutual trust and respect. In a positive and welcoming environment, we aim to support the whole family to build confidence and self-esteem.

Staff, children and parents or carers are encouraged to actively contribute to the life of the centre by working together to develop a community where:

  • Everyone has the opportunity to develop to their full potential
  • Diversity is celebrated, inequalities are reduced, and achievement is raised
  • Children become confident individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

Overall Aims and Objectives

  • to promote equal opportunity
  • to ensure a welcoming and positive ethos
  • to ensure that all children have opportunities which enable them to reach their full potential.
  • to work in partnership with children, parents, carers and other agencies.
  • to support the emotional, social and physical well-being of children and their families.
  • to provide support to meet the individual needs of young children and their families.