Hamiltonhill Family Learning Centre
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Medical Information

What if your child is ill?

If you suspect your child is ill or displays signs or symptoms of illness you should in the first instance, seek medical advice from a GP, NHS24 or pharmacy. If you need any guidance, please feel free to contact the nursery. If a diagnosis is made, please check with the nursery regarding any exclusion periods.


Medication can be given to your child if prescribed by a doctor or pharmacy. This medication must be clearly labelled, and you are asked to give your child the first dose of any medicine. Parents must fill in a consent form for each course of treatment. If your child becomes ill during their session at nursery, we will contact you, and you may be required to collect your child and seek medical advice. In the event of an emergency and the main parents/carers are not available, we will use the emergency contact details you provided at the enrolment.